
The brain is a muscle. In order to build muscle, exercise is required. That can be physical, mental ,or a soulful expression of exercise. You might even switch it up and try different types of exercises, stretches, or workouts to build this muscle. Once you’ve found your rhythm, start seeing results, gaining more usage of the brain, you may plateau. But that is ok, it doesn’t mean you’re stuck. It’s just you’ve reached a new part to exercise and create/maintain/strengthen the muscle. You kind of find your way into a safe zone, mentally, that is. And you’re safe for a bit. But then you get to another part that needs to be unblocked/reopened/repaired. You haven’t been here in a while, but you’ve got some new exercises under your belt, you’re doing better in other parts of the mind, and you’ve got other muscle to “muscle” your way through it. So you do your best to continue on the path of your mind. You use your current muscles to continue maintaining their status, you start to unblock the muscle you just reached, and you move forward on your path ready for another part, hoping it’s new. The thing you forgot, because you haven’t “reopened” this last muscle in a while, is that you left some things unresolved that you just blocked. So now you’re dealing with compartmentalized repairs that never fully repaired because they were blocked too soon. This is when the brain starts to drop those hints for you. You’re still moving forward while your maintained muscles are working overtime with the compartmentalized repairs. Some are so lengthy it’s making you have to draw back a little. But you want to keep moving. If someone drops a cookie in front of a group of birds, the birds are going to eat the cookie. Your brain is dropping hints, why aren’t you listening? Maybe you have the bird brain? Or need to find that bird like muscle in the mind to activate it. That way you’ll get the hint. You are now trying to retreat to your safe zone, but it’s becoming a bit more unsafe with these repairs. Your muscles are starting to weaken, communication is being sent in the wrong directions, but you try and be ok. You’ve got a bit of time, but since you didn’t plan for this you’re starting to become a bit disheveled. And you’re navigating on your own this time because, well you made new muscle. But the repairs are becoming harder and your muscle is still dropping. It’s becoming more and more less safe for you. Now that part is starting to create new repairs because you’re starting to overthink. So maintained muscle is now trying to train new muscle to prevent the new repairs they see you projecting. They didn’t plan for this though, and that’s not you. You drop off for some time because you’re wanting to divert and not allow the new muscle to be created. You want this on your own because you are being you. You close off these options, but you don’t tell them, you just do it because it’s for you, right? Well, welcome to the storm. You stopped communicating with any of your muscle, and everything freezes. Now nothing is being repaired and you have no safe zone. Nothing at all. Your outlets are shut down, you don’t do well with mental exercise without physical, but now the physical is off. Now the powerful mental is more than you can handle. It’s not ending anytime soon either. Sad thing is, while you were patiently impatient, your next muscle was the mental section. You were this close to making it stronger. You still can, but you’ve still got some defrosting to do. Your safe zone is gone. So what do we do? We create a new one. This time we will take our time. You start to accept that it’ll be ok to still take the previous hints a bit more serious. In the creating process you notice some lack of acknowledgment. Not from your end though. You notice it within another repair as you’re cleaning. Eureka! You are now going to listen and repair this one for yourself. You were needing to repair the recognition of ignoring signs. You were sending yourself the normal signals, but the signal was bouncing back, so you sent it with a method that works. Keep that. You’re realizing the respect aspect of your mind and the muscles in it. You only get one and that mind can get you. But don’t let yourself get too lost in your own mind and you drop into your safe zone. It’s temporary and you don’t have much time there. So make sure the repairs are done. When you see the repair again, you’ll know it’s a quick fix. You know the instructions and you’re listening to your sources when they reach out. Buy yourself some new socks and shoes and keep walking your path. You’ll continue the exercises, you’ll continue to be noticed for your work you’re putting in, and you will definitely meet the new muscles that are waiting for you to strengthen. You’ll find it relaxing, exhilarating, and a bit soothing when encountered. Remember, there is safety, it’s up to you to trust yourself to not default to that.  

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